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Monday, June 21, 2010

Reality Shows

Its been a little while since I blogged. I have been under alot of stress lately. I will post about that soon, when I get some things answered. But on a lighter note..its time to play along with Taylor at The Undomestic Momma Its T2T again(except that its only Monday lol)

This weeks topic is Top 2 Reality TV shows you would be on...

1. I would love to be on tBL!!! I am addicted to watching it. I would love Bob Harper to be my personal trainer. Plus just having a few weeks just to work on myself would be awesome.

2. I would totally love to be on American Idol. But not one of the "worst" people that they show during auditions lol. However, because my lack of having a nice voice, I wont ever be on this show lol. I love to sing....Im just not good at it.

(I know its top 2 but I have 3)

3. I would love to be on my OWN reality show. I would love to have a show on about me and my family lol. Kinda like the Duggars or Jon&Kate lol. You get paid Mucho Dinero and not have to do anything(Except show the world your life lol) ...Im sure the hubs would put a stop to this real quick Bahahahaha!

Hope you enjoyed. Now go link up with Taylor and join the fun!


  1. great picks!!! I would so be that person who makes the horrible singing auditions part of AI!

  2. Stopping by from top 2 tuesday! Cute blog...Love your choices :)

  3. I love the Biggest loser! It's my fave :)

    Swing by my blog today and enter the giveaway!
