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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Winner Winner Winner!!!!

Happy Thursday Morning to yall!!! Hope everyones day has started off good! Parker is still sick. He went to the Peds yesterday. She thought he had strep because he has all the symptoms but rapid strep was negative. So she did a flu test, also negative. So she thought, Must be Mono so they did a fingerstick. Nope, Negative. So we are not sure what is going on. He is still running a fever. Will go away briefly with motrin and tylenol, then when that wares off, the fever is back. So he is on an antibiotic incase its one of the three above that didnt show up. I am to call them  back tomorrow if nothing changes.

Now to the good stuff!!! Three giveaways ended last night!!! Now, I have winners to announce!!!

The winner of the Tickled Pink giveaway is Just Jen

The winner of the Studio Jones giveaway is Stephanie

The winner of the Fleur de Saint giveaway is Tami

Ladies please email me at keepersphoto{at}gmail{dot}com. You have  48hrs to respond or a new winner will be chosen!

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